Move the list items from one list to another list using PowerShell - SharePoint 2010
Using below script one can move items from one list to another(including CreatedBy/ModifiedBy which are configured in a list(source,target,item age).
# Moves list/library items from one location to another location for archiving.
Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$srcListSiteUrl = http://testsite
$ConfigListName = "ArchivalConfiguration"
$IDFieldName = "OldItemID"
$date = Get-Date -format y
$ldate = Get-Date
$LogDate = $date -replace " ", "_"
$path = "C:\Jobs\ArchivalLog\"
If(!(test-path $path))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path
$Logfile = "$($path)\$($LogDate).log"
Add-content $Logfile -value "******************************************************************************"
Add-content $Logfile -value "Archival begin Date - $($ldate)"
$sourceListWeb = Get-SPWeb -identity $srcListSiteUrl
$ConfigList = $sourceListWeb.Lists.TryGetList($ConfigListName)
Add-content $Logfile -value "Configuration list is not found!!!"
$ConfigItemCollection = $ConfigList.GetItems();
if(!$ConfigItemCollection -or $ConfigItemCollection.count -le 0)
Add-content $Logfile -value "Configuration list is empty!!!"
#Get the lists to be archived from configuration - End
foreach($configItem in $ConfigItemCollection)
if((!$configItem["Source List Name"]) -or (!$configItem["Destination List Name"]) -or (!$configItem["Archival Days"]) )
Add-content $Logfile -value "Configuration list item has one or more values missing!!!"
$SourceList = $sourceListWeb.Lists.TryGetList($configItem["Source List Name"])
$DestinationList = $sourceListWeb.Lists.TryGetList($configItem["Destination List Name"])
$MovedIDs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Caliculate archival date - begin
$expiryDate = (Get-date).AddDays(-$configItem["Archival Days"])
Add-content $Logfile -value "Moving items from $($configItem["Source List Name"]) to $($configItem["Destination List Name"]) list based on modified date older than $($expiryDate)"
# Caliculate archival date - end
#Filtering Items based on the Date as we do not want to archive all items in the list
$filterQuery = '
$archivalItemsQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$archivalItemsQuery.Query = $filterQuery
$sourceSPListItemCollection = $SourceList.GetItems($archivalItemsQuery);
#$DestinationList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml($node.OuterXml, $true,[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAddFieldOptions]::AddFieldToDefaultView)
if( $DestinationList.Fields.ContainsField($IDFieldName) -eq $false)
#adding ID field type to the Destination list
$spFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Number
$DestinationList.Fields.Add($IDFieldName, $spFieldType, $false)
write-host $sourceSPListItemCollection.count
$delItemCount = $sourceSPListItemCollection.count
if($delItemCount -gt 0)
$itemCout = 0
while($itemCout -lt $delItemCount)
$srcListItem = $sourceSPListItemCollection[$itemCout]
$newSPListItem = $DestinationList.AddItem();
foreach($spField in $srcListItem.Fields)
if ($spField.ReadOnlyField -ne $True -and $spField.InternalName -ne "Attachments")
$newSPListItem[$spField.InternalName] = $srcListItem[$spField.InternalName];
# Handle Attachments
foreach($leafName in $srcListItem.Attachments)
$spFile = $SourceList.ParentWeb.GetFile($srcListItem.Attachments.UrlPrefix + $leafName)
$newSPListItem.Attachments.Add($leafName, $spFile.OpenBinary());
$newSPListItem[$IDFieldName] = $srcListItem["ID"]
$modifiedBy = $srcListItem["Editor"]
$newSPListItem["Editor"] = $modifiedBy
$modified = $srcListItem["Modified"]
$newSPListItem["Modified"] = $modified
$createdBy = $srcListItem["Author"]
$newSPListItem["Author"] = $createdBy
$created = $srcListItem["Created"]
$newSPListItem["Created"] = $created
$itemCout = $itemCout + 1
Add-content $Logfile -value "Items copied successfully."
$sourceSPListItemCollection = $null
$sourceSPListItemCollection = $SourceList.GetItems($archivalItemsQuery)
$delItemCount= $sourceSPListItemCollection.count
$itemCout = 0
#Delete the copied items
$ditemCount = 0
$missingIdCount = 0
while($itemCout -lt $delItemCount -and $ditemCount -lt $MovedIDs.Count)
$srcListItem = $sourceSPListItemCollection[$missingIdCount]
$ditemCount = $ditemCount + 1
$missingIdCount = $missingIdCount + 1
Add-content $Logfile -value "Item with ID: $($ is not moved to archival list!!!"
$itemCout = $itemCout + 1
Add-content $Logfile -value "Items deleted successfully."
#Delete the copied items - End
Add-content $Logfile -value "Total items moved $($MovedIDs.Count)"
$ldate = get-date
Add-content $Logfile -value "List Archival completion Date - $($ldate)"
$sourceSPListItemCollection = $null
$MovedIDs = $null
Add-content $Logfile -value "There are no archival items to move."
Add-content $Logfile -value "Failed to copy item #$($srcListItem['ID'])."
Add-content $Logfile -value "Exception Thrown - $($_.exception)"
if($sourceListWeb -ne $null){$sourceListWeb.Dispose()}
if($dstListWeb -ne $null){$dstListWeb.Dispose()}
$ldate = get-date
Add-content $Logfile -value "Archival end Date - $($ldate)"
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