Promote Multiple-Selection list box values with coma saperated value to Form Library

Suppose, in InfoPath 2010 form with a Multiple-Selection List Box that's pulling in data from a SharePoint list.

To publish form and promote Multiple-Selection List Box to library, please follow the below steps:

1. Named multiple selection field Field1. Add 1 more hidden text fields: Field2.

2. Add this formula as the default value for Field2.

xdMath:Eval(xdMath:Eval(/my:myFields/my:group1/my:field1, 'concat(., ",")'), "..")

Here "/my:myFields/my:group1/my:field1" is my multiple selection field, please replace the XPath for yours.

substring(eval(eval(field6[. != ""], 'concat(",", .)'), ".."), 2)

3. Done. Field2 is the field we need to publish as SharePoint column.


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